Pipe Manufacturing Equipment

 Professional design and manufacturing 

About Us


“GIN CHEN HSIN” Machinery, under the tradition of technical expertise from “GIN LIEN HSIN” Machinery, regards customer demands as our own motivation. Our relationship with customers goes beyond mere supply and demand; it is about mutual learning, growth, and continuous progress, urging each other to seek new innovations and changes. Upholding the spirit of "diligence, sincerity, professionalism, and dedication," the satisfied smiles of our customers have been the driving force behind our 30-year journey of advancement. We strive for market recognition through our professional attitude and innovative drive, making the greatest contribution to the value of our customers' products. As a result, our products have received widespread acclaim and recognition both domestically and internationally.

Main Products

  • High-frequency Pipe-Making Machines
  • Roller Design And Manufacturing
  • Tube drawing Machines
  • End Facing Machines
  • Polishing Machines
  • Straightening Machines

Future Vision and Prospects

Looking ahead, our goal at GIN CHEN HSIN is to become a globally leading professional research and manufacturing company in the machinery industry, producing higher quality and more professional products. In the face of unpredictable future competitive environments, GIN CHEN HSIN will maintain enthusiasm, continuous focus, and construct core competitiveness based on knowledge.

We will broaden and deepen our exploration into different market sectors, enhance the high-quality performance of our research and development pipe-making machines, increase brand value, and plan to implement certification systems to instill trust in our customers.

We aim to provide customers with comprehensive sustainable services, innovate, create, and generate high added value. Our business philosophy is based on "sustainable operation, innovation and change, co-creating profits," grounding ourselves in Taiwan while looking towards the international market, creating a win-win situation and a wonderful new era for both the company and customers!